As loved ones get older, they may require assistance to carry out their daily activities, have a comfortable place to live, or to be safe within their home. You may think that this type of care for seniors or people with disabilities is hard to find but luckily, quality elder care is available in Delaware County to help your loved ones continue aging in place or in somewhere appropriate for them.
There are many reasons to choose caregiver services in Delaware County to assist a frail relative with their activities of daily living. For in-home care, Delaware County caregivers can provide many services that allow them to remain within the comfort of their own home. For example, they can assist with things such as transportation to medical appointments and adult day centers, in-home mobility issues, meal prep, and housekeeping.
Furthermore, a caregiver can act as a companion to an aging loved one, counseling them or engaging in fun activities with them. Care can be designed with personal care plans such as periods of time in the day when they need assistance or 24/7 care.
And, if you are the caregiver of a loved one, many in-home care companies offer respite care to allow you to take some time away.
There are other types of caregiver services for those who no longer want to or are unable to stay in their homes such as independent senior living centers that can provide many important and needed services to seniors. If your loved one needs more serious medical assistance or end of life care for progressive conditions, assisted living facilities and nursing homes provide many great resources both medically and socially for senior care.
There are a wide- range of different types of caregivers in the Delaware County area including:
This allows for flexible care for in-home services.
There are plenty of support and resource options available from federal, state, and local programs that can provide help for both family caregivers and to pay for professional caregivers. An area agency on aging such as the Delaware County COSA or the Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources are both great places to start for information and referral for available community resources for homebound elderly individuals.
Additionally, there are personal service and resources for family caregivers’ wellbeing or grandparents caring for grandchildren such as a local or state caregiver support program. Being a caregiver of a loved one can be time consuming and emotionally stressful so it is essential to take care of yourself.
If you or an aging loved one needs professional in-home care, New Beginnings Home Care is here to help. New Beginnings provides exceptional elder care in Delaware County for those in need. We offers an array of services from 24/7 care, periodic care, or respite care.
We strive to offer the highest quality of service with compassionate care for our clients. If you are interested in a Delaware County personal caregiver, contact us today!